Statesman> Newspaper Classified Ad Booking

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View Statesman Classified Advertisement Rates for specific locations :

Classified AD RATES

Location Circulation Classified Text Classified Display
Bhubaneswar 6,913 ( Copies)Rs. 560 / 16 Words Rs. 350( / sqcm )
Delhi 7,815 ( Copies)Rs. 560 / 16 Words Rs. 350( / sqcm )
Kolkata 103,586 ( Copies)Rs. 560 / 16 Words Rs. 250( / sqcm )
Siliguri 8,685 ( Copies)Rs. 560 / 16 Words Rs. 350( / sqcm )


Frequently Asked Questions

Please know that as per your requirement, your ad type is Display and such ads are not published under the classified section. They are independent ads published on your preferred pages. These ads are calculated on the basis of the length and breadth of the advert charged in per unit. Should you like to book your Business Display ad in the Kolkata edition of The Statesman, please visit the following link: and select the main newspaper, choose the edition to review the rates for your advert. To get the exact price for your advertisement, you must select the ad size as Full Page, Half Page, Quarter Page or you can even provide a custom size as per your requirement.  Also know that the rates for display ads vary as per the page preference and you must specify that to know the precise ad cost for your advertisement. To confirm the booking of your advert,you must ensure that the ad release dates are mentioned and the payment is also cleared at least 2-3 days prior to the intended release dates. You can make use of the online or offline payment mediums available on the Make Payment page and receive an invoice instantly from our end confirming the booking of your advert  
Please know that as per your query, your ad type should be a display adverts. Display ads are charged on the basis of per according to the length and breadth of the advertisement.  Should you like to book the advertisement in the Statesman, please visit the following link: and select the main newspaper as per your preference. After this, please specify the ad location or edition and proceed to specify the ad size and review the exact cost of your ad. Please know that the minimum ad size for booking a display advert in The Statesman is 4 cm X 4 cm. The release dates must be confirmed and the payments must be cleared at least 2-3 days prior to the intended release dates through our online or offline payment mediums which are as follows: Credit/Debit Cards Net Banking NEFT (Online Wire Transfer) Cash Deposit Cash Transfer Cash Collection Demand Draft Cheque Deposits
To view the rates for a Display ad under the Marriage Bureau section of The Statesman, please visit the following page: You can review individual ad edition rates as well as combo discount packages on the basis of per of ad space taken up in the preferred newspaper page. Display ad charges also vary based on page preferences. You can also upload your own ad design or you may design the same on our site with our pre designed templates & other graphic typefaces. If Display ads appear too expensive, you can opt for the more economical text adverts which can also be highlighted with the help of colour backgrounds, tick marsk, ad borders & more. Should you like to review the rates for classified text adevrts, then click on the following link:

Booking Process

How are Statesman Classified ads priced?

Statesman Newspaper Classified Advertising is the most cost effective way to promote your product or service and make your presence felt in the competitive market out there. Normally marketing your ad in a wide reader base can be an expensive affair but with releaseMyAd’s attractive ad rates and amazing discount packages you get the benefit of Statesman Classifieds’ high circulation at the lowest imaginable expense. The pricing varies as per location, the rate card for which can be viewed if you scroll up this page. The two main kinds of Classified Ads and their cost guideline is given underneath:

  1. Classified Text:The most Ideal option for cost conscious advertisers, Text ads are simple run on line advertisements published in the classified pages of  Statesman newspaper. Your ad cost is calculated on the number of words used. The base rate / minimum charge for Statesman is specified for sixteen words advertisement. Should your newspaper advertisement exceed sixteen words, you will be charged as per the extra word rate. You can add enhancements to your classified ad matter with screen (border), tick & colour options at a marginal increase in price. This results in higher visibility and response for your Statesman classified Ad.
  2. Classified Display: Ideal for Obituary, Recruitment, Education type advertisements in newspapers, these ads are printed on the classified pages of Statesman Main Newspaper. Along with some text, they also contain images, company logos, designs etc for enhanced visibility. The tariff for these advertisements is calculated on a per square cm basis.  The minimum ad size for Statesman Display classified ad is 3x5 cm. Kindly note that these Ads generally have a fixed width of 3 cm for Statesman Display Classifieds.