Book your Tenders Ads with Statesman Instantly Online
All Days
Booking Deadline
2 day prior to release date
Minimum Size
4cms (W) x 4cms (H)
All Days
Minimum Size
4cms (W) x 4cms (H)
Innovation Option

Jacket Full Page Ad
33cm x 52cm These display ads are placed on the Front Page of the newspaper on both the sides. They are available in the dimensions of 33 cm X 48cm

Half jackets Ad
16.5cm x 52cm These display ads appear on half of the front page in a newspaper. Half-Jacket ads are available in 16.5 cm X 52 cm dimensions.

Book Mark Ad
3cm x 52cm Bookmark ads peek out of the newspapers just like a normal bookmark marking the page where your ad has appeared. You can choose to book a full/half-page ad in this case.

Pointers Ad
4cm x 5 cm Pointer ad appears on the left-most column of the main page. This small ad appears in 4 cm X 5 cm size.

SkyBus Ad
33cm X 5cm These ads materialize under the masthead of the newspaper in the main page and are 33 cm in length and 5cm in width

Advertorial Ad
Any Size Publish an article about your product / service - to be placed alongside regular editorial content. You get to choose your headline, text & visuals.