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Statesman Classiied is the classified page of Statesman where all classified ads like Classified Text and Classified Display are published. All editions of Statesman publish Statesman Classiied section and it publishes everyday of the week. There are various ad categories in Statesman Classiied section where classified ads can be published opting the suitable category and sub-category.
Ans. Both Classified Text and Classified Display ads can be published in Statesman section. Classified Text ads simple Run on Line advertisements which contains the brief message along with the contact details. They are charged as per characters in Statesman. Classified Display ads are charged on the basis of per square centimetres and can be colourful or black and white. They may include images, photos and logos. Double or triple column Classified Display ads can also be opted for.
Ans.To draw audience attention, Classified Text ads in Statesman can be enhanced using Special Enhancements like colour background, tick, screen and Run on Display. These enhancements will augment your ad and bring it out among the clutter. Extra charges are applicable for choosing any of these enhancements.
Ans. Classified ads are grouped under various headings in Statesman Classified section known as Categories and Sub-Categories. All similar kinds of ads are published under one category. For example all Matrimonial and Property related ads publish under the Matrimonial column and Property column respectively. This allows the publication to duly segregate all classified ads and readers to find out the ad with ease in the classified page. Selection of proper Sub-Category ensures that the advertiser reaches out to the proper audience who are looking for a particular advertisement of relevance.
Ans. Classified Text ads are charged as per number of lines. Base rate is of 5 lines and extra lines above that are charged separately. Classified Display ads are charged as per square centimetres and the minimum size is 3 cm (width) X 5 cm (height). Charges also depend upon the selected edition and its circulation. Usually charges for publishing ads in metro city editions are more than smaller cities. Discounted packages can be availed to optimize the ad cost. Advertising cost in Statesman Classified section also depends upon the ad category. Different ad categories have different rates.
Ans. Placement of classified text or classified display ads in Statesman Classified section can be determined on the basis of selection of category and sub-category. Positioning of the ad at the top, bottom or centre, etc. cannot be determined.

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